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    Advancing Africa's Sustainable Development: Proceedings of the 4th Conference on Science Advancement

    While many African countries lag behind the rest of the industrialised world in scientific and medical research and development, the situation is progressively improving.
    ISBN: 9781527506558
    AuthorFymat, Alain L.
    Pub Date22/03/2018
    AvailabilityCurrently out of stock. If available, delivery is usually 5-10 working days.
    EditionUnabridged E
    Availability: Out of Stock

    While many African countries lag behind the rest of the industrialised world in scientific and medical research and development, the situation is progressively improving. This is why the Society for the Advancement of Science in Africa was established, to contribute to economic advancement and sustainability through science research, education and innovation.This book provides a selection of papers from the Advancement of Science in Africa's fourth annual conference. The conference was held under the overarching theme of 'science, technology and innovation in Africa', with several important sub-themes, including, but not limited to, improving health research and disease surveillance education; collaborating in research responding to epidemic diseases with high mortality in Africa; and promoting women's interest in science careers. The collection illustrates how, although the chapter contributors come from various countries and universities, representing their own academic research, they all share a common interest in advancing science, technology and innovation in Africa.