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    About Us


    The Book Nest - BOOKS:  Library Supply IRELAND : Schools and Colleges School Library - Accelerated Reader - 

    IRELAND, extensive library supply facility;Providing Books to Public Libraries, Specialist Libraries, School Libraries, Accelerated Reader Books, Decodable Books / Phonics.

    Schools and Public Libraries



    Extensive Database

    To set up an account contact:

           Customer Service ([email protected])

    The Book Nest - Library Supply

    Cleveragh Business Centre

    Sligo, F91 W620


    Phone 071 9148263

    Tel. ++353 71 9148263

    Email: [email protected]


    :: Background Information ::

    Founded in 1996, by Frank Kelly,  The Book Nest Library Supply, Ireland, offers libraries a complete book supply service, shelf ready books, professional covering, bar-coding, RFID tagging, programming. Partner of Renassance Learning - Accelerated Reader Books, Ranson Publishing Distributor in Ireland - Experts for Decodable Books - Phonics.

    Our Offering includes a  24 hour response to queries and a personal service – the facility of talking to a person who cares about your book orders. We are small and sincere, a wonderful team that run the show. We have a warehouse in Sligo where we conduct our magic, filling your library needs from an arraay of thousands of publishers and an extensive in-house stock.

    We look forward to talking to you soon!

    For quotes please email [email protected] or phone 071 91 48263