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    Great Book of Woodworking Projects: 50 Projects For Indoor Improvements And Outdoor Living from the Experts at American Woodworker

    Includes shop tested advice from American Woodworker on how to build 50 functional woodworking projects for various areas of the house, from storage for the kitchen and the outdoors, to furniture and heirlooms. It provides step by step guidance, workshop tips and plans for projects that can take a few hours to a weekend to complete.
    ISBN: 9781565235045
    AuthorJohnson, Randy
    Pub Date01/01/2011
    AvailabilityCurrently out of stock. If available, delivery is usually 5-10 working days.
    Availability: Out of Stock

    This title includes shop tested expert advice from American Woodworker on how to build 50 attractive & functional woodworking projects for all areas of the house, from storage for the kitchen and the outdoors, to furniture and heirlooms. With a variety of style and skill levels included, there is something for every woodworker in this book. Step by step guidance, workshop tips and plans for projects that can take a few hours to a weekend to complete, make this an ideal resource for woodworkers looking for a new project or wanting to spruce up their home.